Thursday, April 2, 2009

March '09 Progress Report

UPDATE: I just noticed that one of my "earmarks" for $75 that I didn't intend to count towards my net worth weaseled its way into the savings column by mistake. (Okay, so it was my spreadsheet error. ) I've updated my net worth accordingly.


The first quarter of 2009 is over already?? This year is just FLYING by!

As I'm writing this, I think about the phrase: "March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb." Actually, it seemed more like March came in like a lamb-to-slaughter, but went out roaring like a bull (or atleast a lion cub).

Although I'm eternally optimistic about the stock market bottoming out soon(notwithstanding my bet), I'm having deja vu from last year. I recall around this time last year, we were all patting ourselves in the back after the Bear Stearns debacle was averted. The market just kept going up and up, before Armageddon hit in October. Hopefully we won't see a repeat of last year in 2009.

Anyhow, here's a summary of my PF in March:

Starting Debt (6/31/08)Last MonthThis MonthDifference
Private SL$49,528.99$46,902.46$46,508.30$(394.16)
Fed'l SL$55,852.68$54,876.76$54,732.28$(144.48)

Nothing really new on the debt-front since I'm on auto-pilot with my debt snowball plan. (Speaking of which, I probably should update my snowball chart.) But I do want to point out that although my credit card debt indicates my balance is $11,818.08, it's actually really $9,367.00 since I've arbitraged $2,451.08 into one of my "high-yield" savings account. So I guess technically, my total debt amount is $110,607.58.




I got a really nice bonus this year and I've put some of it into my savings. I guess those who are really motivated, math-oriented and bored can pretty much guess how much I got from my bonus by reverse-engineering. Oh, and by the way, the above figure also includes interest I accrued plus additional amounts I've put in in addition to my bonus. :-D

($26,645.12)($16,001.09) ($16,076.09)+$10,644.03$10,569.03

If this chart was a rollercoaster, I'd be hurling chunks. Actually, I think I've been tossing my cookies since October because of the stock market! I'd like to feel happy about this nice rebound, but like all rollercoasters, I know that the slow ride up just means a turbulent downhill is awaiting me in the near future.

But in the meantime, I'll revel in this nice upswing.

The breakdown of my net worth can be seen here.


Miss M said...

Congrats on the good month, I think most people finally had a positive one. I'll post my update tomorrow.

Sharon said...

Hi there-very well done, so good to see that credit card figure lowering and the savings getting higher, congrats to you my dear!

Ms. MoneyChat said...

gosh! has it been a full year since the bear stearns ordeal? amazing what has happened in a year.

jpkittie said...

Great Month!!! What a wonderful amount to have paid off :) here's to a great new month

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