Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wanna Bet?

My braniac ex-boyfriend (I'll call him Mr. Spock) and I made a bet yesterday on this question - - Where do you think the S&P 500 will end on the final trading day of 2009?

My guess was $450 (armageddon scenario) to $650 (most likely scenario) to $950 (insanely optimistic scenario). I came up with these figures by looking at the S&P500 20+ year chart and drawing lines at various price points and various time frames.

Mr. Spock's guess was $600 to $800 based upon a much simpler thinking. He figured that most (if not all) of the bad news is baked into the current price of about $700 and a swing of $100 either way is plausible.

Since we are guessing around the same price, we decided to do an over-under bet. He bet that the S&P will end higher than $650 and I bet under. (Keep in mind - - I have a HORRIBLE track record when betting over-under. I hope this is one bet I lose horribly.)

So... what is your bet?


Miss M said...

I'm terrible at betting too but I'll go with Mr Spock on over 650.

Sallie's Niece said...

I so don't know enough about the stock market but I like betting. Let me do some research and I'll chime in.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I'm not really familiar with that indices, but I hope you win the bet my dear!!

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Shtinkykat said...

@Miss M: I hope you're right.

@Sallie: Bring it ON!

@$haronRo$e: Heh heh. If I win, I get a dinner but my 401k will look pretty darn ugly. If I lose, I have to buy dinner but my 401k will look less ugly. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, this was a lousy bet, eh?