Sunday, November 16, 2008

Too Close to Home...


Miss M said...

We're all the unclever guy on the internet, so you've got some good company. I want to figure out how to work more humor into my writing, finance is such a bland topic it needs some spice. It would be a whole lot easier if I actually knew how to write!

Sharon said...

Hi there-LOL, nice one my dear!!

Shtinkykat said...

Miss M: I doubt people who are highlighted on MSN are unclever. ;-) (Congrats on that accomplishment.) You have a great blog and I'll be a regular reader.

Sharon Rose: I love this comic strip. Poor Pig has such low self-esteem but he's so sweet.

Miss M said...

Aww thanks, it was definitely a thrill. But I don't know if the new readers will stick around, I got linked the week before from one of the big PF blogs but my visitor numbers dropped off quickly. I just added you to my blogroll, spreading the love around.