Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November Charity - Food Bank

Today is Veterans Day. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served this country honorably and bravely.


I recently made a commitment to give regularly at least $20/month to charity. This month's $20 contribution went to the San Diego Food Bank.

With the economy in the toilet and many people facing potential layoffs (including yours truly), I suspect that the Food Bank's budget will be stretched thin this year (if it isn't already).

This article highlights a woman who once made $70,000/year before she was laid off. Once she burned through her tax refund and savings, she had to go to the Food Bank to make ends meet. One person left this comment in response to this article:

I have alot in common with her, and know how she feels. I too was a loan processor for more than 5 years, when I was laid off last year. I went from making 50k a year to making barely 27k a year. I was forced to enter a new career because there were just no processing jobs. ...
These are scary times. But strangely enough, donating this money gave me some emotional peace since it dawned on me that donating to charity is one way to stimulate the economy. After all, a non-profit organization is not likely to hoarde donations to improve its balance sheet. Rather, the charitable organization will likely spend the donation in furtherance of its cause. It's a win-win situation. I'm glad I made this resolution.

Now if I was thinking straight, I would've donated this month's money to a Veterans' charity. But since I didn't, I intend to donate to Veterans' charity next month. :-P


Anonymous said...

I know the local news has featured our food bank several times recently. The shelves are bare. I think it is great that you are choosing a different charity each month.

Sharon said...

Hi there-good for you, its great how you choose different charities every month as well. Donating to charities is such a worthwhile thing to do, like you say a set amount every month is the best way to go, I agree.

Anonymous said...

You've picked a good charity! I heard food banks were in need. Maybe I will check the local ones around here.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Good for you that you did that. We actually donated a bunch of canned goods to the Boy Scouts who do a collection around the holidays. They left an empty bag on our door one Saturday and picked it up the next. We also donate regularly to our church and they do a lot of re-distribution to food banks and shelters, and even to overseas needs.

jpkittie said...

Good for you - any charity is a good one

Shtinkykat said...

Thank you all! And I am very humbled by everyone's generosity as well. Let's all keep up the good work. :-D