
Anyhow, I need to wash my hands and brush my teeth, but I ain't doing so with brown water.
Thank heavens, I have a bucket of water plus couple of gallons of tap water that I've stored in the event of an emergency. I additionally have some bottled water at home to drink. For once in my life, it seems I did something right. :-D
I am so not prepared for an earthquake! We have a camp stove and could cook, but we don't have any water stored. My aunt and uncle have started hoarding water in 50 gallon rain barrels for the big one! Glad your apt wasn't threatened.
LOL! Good for you being prepared! Which reminds me that I need to do that... I think we have a 5 gallon bottle in the garage. Hmmm....
Well, I am glad you are safe and that your place wasn't damaged. :)
My dad stored water in 50 gal barrels for years, but he never changed the water. After he died we went into his earthquake preparedness stash and the water was green and the food (long shelf life stuff) was far past it's use by dates. If you have a kit, check it every so often.
That said, we do have water stored, we use it for our water dispenser. We also have a hand crank radio (crank generates electricity), flashlights, etc. The first few days we'd spend eating out of the fridge and freezer. I think the average American stores enough food at home to last for a couple weeks at least.
After the Loma Prieta quake we cooked food and heated water in a kettle on the charcoal BBQ (worked out great). You don't necessarily have to have special stuff for earthquakes, just some ingenuity. I would recommend having an evacuation packet with checklist. Have a list of contact numbers, medications, etc and a list of stuff that you'd want to take (change of clothes, cell phone charger, family photos, medications, pet food, people food, etc - everything you'd need if you had to live away from home for a while).
Don't forget about pets!
oh gosh, now i'm a little nervous. i don't have anything! wait, i may have a few (and i mean a few) cans of canned food. hmmm, i'm not in earthquake territory but i'm definitely in a hurricane & tornado zone. question, what are safe ways to store water and how often should you change it out. guess i could google this huh?
oh no! I am not prepared for anything!!! I really should get a box together & just put it in the basement... eek ---
good for you for being prepared!!!
wow, that IS good you stored all that water! just goes to show you never know when you'll need it...i'll have to pick some up myself, i'm a slacker.
Ms Money Chat - Don't feel bad about not having canned food. If an earthquake or other disaster struck (assuming your house just lost power and minor damage, not destroyed), the best thing is to eat out of the fridge then the freezer. Without power that food will spoil first. Canned food is if you are without power or services for a while. I know that just what is in my freezer would keep a family of four fed for at least four days.
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