I've donated to this organization before and they keep sending me address labels for Mr. Shtinkykat. This time, I'm donating as Ms. Shtinkykat. Hopefully they'll start sending me labels with the correct gender salutation.
Speaking of labels, I got another set from March of Dimes with yet another dime attached. Please stop sending me dimes!!!
Congratulations on your food bank donation.
I eliminated unsolicated requests for donations by only donating to charities with an opt out policy. Charities can make money by selling your name to other charities. Opt out policies allow you to avoid this. I then write on my donation, "please do not share my name with any other organization." I also request that charities to which I donate only solicit me once per year. My goals are to prevent charities from spending money soliciting me and to eliminate unwanted mail. (In one six month time period, I received 1-2 pieces of mail per month for various organizations.)
We have several bags of food sitting here we need to donate, you just reminded me. Kudos for donating to a charity in need.
Yeah for the local charity win! lol. You've made someone's day better (or perhaps a few) due to wonderful people such as yourself. :)
Hi there-a great choice indeed my dear, charity certainly begins at home. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and have a great weekend!
Dear "Ms." Shtinkykat: I am the Development Manager at the San Diego Food Bank and I apologize deeply for mis-labeling your gender. You are now a Ms. in our database. And thank you for your donation. You just provided 60 meals for the hungry!
I would also like to assure your online friends that the SDFB NEVER sells, rents or trades our donors' information, so do not be afraid to contribute to the Food Bank. Our community is hurting and we need all the help we can get. Thank you!
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