Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Shtinky and MJ

May your holidays be safe and joyous!


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I was thinking about buying them at Petsmart for my for kitties. They were 1/2 off, but I resisted. Hope you had a good Christmas!

Sharon said...

Hi there-Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my dear!

Shtinkykat said...

Haha. I used to dress my cat up. But now that he's old, I think I'll spare him the indignities.

Happy Holidays to you too, MOU and $haron Rose.

Miss M said...

Confession - we dress up one of our boston terriers in a santa suit each year! He likes clothes more than the others, so he gets to suffer the humiliation. Santa brought me a cold for christmas, mean old man. How is MJ?

Shtinkykat said...

Thanks for asking about MJ, Miss M. I haven't taken him back to the vet. I did some research and I've altered his diet a bit. I've omitted dry cat food (with the exception of some cat treats that's supposed to clean his teeth) and I've started giving him fluids that I KNOW he'll lap up - diluted low sodium chicken broth and low fat milk. He used to vomit almost every other day and now he doesn't. Eventually I'll have to give him regular fluids. But I know he's on borrowed time and I'm gonna spoil him rotten until his last day. :-D

Shtinkykat said...

P.S. Sorry about the bug Santa brought you!