Friday, December 5, 2008

December 08 Charity - Easter Seals Veterans Count

I recently made a commitment to donate to charity $20/month.

This month's charity is Easter Seals New Hampshire Veterans Services in honor of a former boss who served in the Marines in Vietnam. (This was his recommended charity.) I should have donated to a Veterans' charity last month in honor of Veterans Day but better late than never I say!

There have been some grim news lately about the emotional well being of soldiers who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan including increased rates of PTSD and divorces.

When these brave soldiers return, they face some daunting challenges like:

  • Disability Issues: Due to advances in both combat technology and medical technology, many veterans return to civilian life with complex disability issues—brain injuries, amputations, severe psychological trauma.

  • Employment Issues: Members of the Guard and Reserve have returned to civilian employment only to find that they have been reassigned by their employer to lower positions, or they have lost compensation and benefits, or they have been fired.

  • Social Attitudes: Veterans feel a stronger sense of responsibility to serve their country. Ironically, the attitude that helps them endure the difficulties of war becomes a social barrier in civilian life that prevents them from asking for the health care and welfare services they need.

  • Family Issues: Veterans’ families struggle with a set of unique problems resulting from frequent and lengthy deployments. Spouses who are left behind, especially those in the Guard and Reserve who remain in their communities, do not have the support network that is available to families living on military installations. As a result, these families are isolated and experience greater stress.

Veterans' charities like the Easter Seals' Veterans Count provide important services like medical rehabilitation, vocational services, childcare and transportation to the returning veterans.

It's not much but this is my way of saying "thank you" to our modern day heroes.


Ms. MoneyChat said...

Congratulations on finding the funds to donate to charity. I grew up in a military town so I definitely have an affinity for the men and women serving in the armed forces.

On another note, as a board member of a local nonprofit, I know first hand that no donation is too small. Again, congratulations on making charitable giving a part of your budget.

Anonymous said...

This is a great post! Not enough people talking about charity these days, unfortunately. I think everyone should try to work a charity category into their budget and stick to that commitment. Thanks for setting the example.

Anonymous said...

I love the thought you put into choosing a charity. Sometimes I think I overthink my giving habits because I do so much research and emailing before writing a check, so it's reassuring to hear I'm not alone in that.

Shtinkykat said...

Ms. MoneyChat: I actually live in a military town right now. I often see many of the service men and women and I can't help but to look at them in awe for their bravery. I think one of my future donations will be to a local veterans organization. :-D

Paulette: Thanks! Many people may not be chatting about charities but I was happy to read that people are still generously donating notwithstanding the economy.

MMK: I don't think I know anyone as generous as you. You are truly and inspiration and to be complimented by you is truly an honor. :-D

Sharon said...

Hi there-very well done donating to such a worthy cause my dear.