Monday, August 25, 2008

Carnival of Personal Finance #167

One of my favorite blogs, Broke Grad Student kindly listed my recent post The Silly Savings Game I Play in its Carnival of Personal Finance #167.

Here are some of my favorite articles:
  • Student Scrooge identifies other characteristics one should look for in selecting a savings account in Online Savings Accounts - Is Rate All That Matters? I'm glad Scrooge also recommends ING, as do I.

  • In her post A Healthy Budget, Wide Open Wallet analogizes a healthy budget to a healthy diet. I also think that a healthy diet is necessary for a healthy budget too.

  • Brip Brap provides snarky, tongue-in-cheek ideas on how to make passive income in The Truth About Passive Income. I'm glad he mentioned #7, though, because I've been thinking about doing so for quite a while.

  • In Riches Do Not Equal Prosperity, Clever Dude responds to a particularly harsh comment. I like and agree with his conclusions.

  • I'm also happy to read that Living Almost Large is a "pretty messy person in general" in her post, Wallet-Neat or Messy?