Friday, January 30, 2009

Would You Omit Good Information From Your Resumé ?

A co-worker and I were discussing our job prospects after we get laid off from our current employer. We discussed one local major employer who is still hiring, but at very entry level positions in our industry. My co-worker felt that the job would be "beneath" him and dismissed it as an option. I indicated that as a "bridge" job, I would definitely consider it since I can get good health care and retirement benefits.

My co-worker suggested that when I'm applying for these entry-level jobs, I omit some of my education and experience in my resumé. He indicated, "Who cares that you don't list your J.D. on your resumé for a job like that?"

You hear about people getting in trouble for "padding" their resumé, but I've never heard of employers getting upset over a "de-padded" resumé.

That being said, I personally feel uncomfortable de-padding my resumé since I think the employer is entitled to know whether I consider the employment as a "bridge" job versus a career. In addition, in this day and age of LinkedIn and other employment verification sources, the prospective employer will find out and this may affect my credibility.

On the other hand, if I'm desperate, I may change my mind. I may do so just to get my foot in the door.

What is your opinion of this?


Miss M said...

Hmm, your co-worker does have a point. There is a reason employers shy away from over qualified candidates, they have a tendency to leave as soon as something comensurate with their experience comes along. It generally takes a year or two for an employee to become really productive at their job, so they would be paying to train you and then you take off as soon as they begin to recoup their investment. I agree with your honesty policy, but don't be surprised if you get the "you're overqualified" dismissal.

Bouncing Back said...

Interesting situation. I know of more and more people who "dumd down" or de pad a resume because at first glance, the person reviewing the document may think you are overqualified for the position and by-pass you. In this job economy, it's probably more common to get applications from people with a higher level of education and work experience.

I have a friend who also has a J.D, but now works in marketing. Somehow on his resume the fact he graduated from Georgetown Law near the top of his class is glossed over. He does list GU as his graduate school.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree on de-padding the resume, slightly.

They may think you are overqualified and may pass you up because the salary requirements would be higher than someone less qualified. Also, if they know this is a bridge job for you... that could pass you up to because they are looking for someone more permanent.

That's a tough one. Going to have to use your intuitive gut for that one!

I know I have played up the permanancy for a position I once applied to, but knew that it was a temp situation for me. Best of luck if that situation arrives for you.

Anonymous said...

I've done it. No boss is going to hire someone more qualified for their job than they are - you're a threat. At least, that was my experience when applying for jobs that were "beneath me".

Sharon said...

Hi there-I personally don't think its wrong to 'de-pad' your resume, good luck whatever you decide! Have a lovely weekend!

mysticdomestica said...

Hmmm. I understand where both you and your co-worker are coming from, but given the current state of the economy, it seems like overqualified applicants are probably popping up all over the place anyway. So perhaps your JD won't be such a red flag?

Anonymous said...

I've been knocked back for jobs for being overqualified. I still put where I had worked but just really downplayed it and left off that I had been employed as a manager to get cleaning and night fill jobs while I was going to university. It's frustrating but a lot of employers will turn away 'overqualified' applicants as they know they'll move on and the money spent employing them is wasted, As an employer I've had to do the same thing because recruitment is very expensive and even more so if the person intends leaving as soon as something better comes along.

Ms. MoneyChat said...

yes, i would "modify" my resume for the job i was interested in getting. by modify i mean that i would emphasize the skill sets i have that are commensurate with the job. for example if i was a certified nurse but the job was for a bookkeeping position at the hospital, i'm probably wouldn't even mention the nurse certification.

frugalCPA said...

Padding your resume is wrong because it claims things that are untrue. Dumbing your resume down isn't wrong because you're not claiming anything untrue.

That said, if an employer has you fill out an application that asks you to fill in work experience, formal education and certifications, it'd be wrong to be selective in filling it out. I like what another commenter said about "glossing" over things like management experience (if you need to gloss over it).

One danger of dumbing your resume down is passing up any better matching opportunities that might have arisen during your interview.