Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January Charity - Heifer.Org

For my first charity donation of 2009, I decided to go global and donated a flock of chicks ($20) to a needy family somewhere in the world through Heifer.org.

Heifer.org is a Better Business Bureau accredited charity organization. Every gift to Heifer.org represents a gift to its total mission of purchasing and transporting food and income-producing animals, as well as providing intensive training in animal husbandry; environmentally sound, sustainable farming; community development and global education.

From Heifer.org's website:

Flock of Chicks: A Good Choice
A flock of chicks can help families from Cameroon to the Caribbean add nourishing, life-sustaining eggs to their inadequate diets.

The protein in just one egg is a nutritious gift for a hungry child. Protein-packed eggs from even a single chicken can make a life-saving difference.

Heifer helps many hungry families with a starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks. A good hen can lay up to 200 eggs a year - plenty to eat, share or sell.

Because chickens require little space and can thrive on readily available food scraps, families can make money from the birds without spending much. And chickens help control insects and fertilize gardens.

In Tanzania, Omari and Kulwa were struggling to raise a family on just 50 cents a day. With the training and chicks they received from Heifer, egg sales have boosted their daily income to $2, so they can now buy food and still pay school fees. Now, through passing on the gift, all of the children in their village are going to school.

To think that $20 can help a needy family on an ongoing basis is quite amazing.

Heifer.org also has other gifts you can donate in different price ranges:

  • Llama - $20 share

  • Goat - $10 share

  • Heifer - $50 share

  • Honeybees - $30 share


On a completely separate but similar topic, the U.S. Marine Corps recently purchased 50 cows for 50 Iraqi widows in the farm belt around Falouja. "The cow purchase is seen as a small step toward re-establishing Iraq's one-thriving dairy industry, as well as a way to help women and children. The early sign is that the program is working. Widows, many with no other income, have a marketable item to sell, as well as milk for their children."

Giving the gift of self-sustenance, independence and self-reliance is an important step towards world peace and prosperity. Heifer.org's mission as well as the Marine Corps' recent gift are living proof of the Chinese proverb: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. "


Sharon said...

Hi there-a well chosen choice my dear and a great start to 2009!!

Anonymous said...

It's great to see that Heifer has evolved after coming under criticism for giving cows to people who can't afford to maintain them. I always thought chickens would be a better choice!

Most of the charities I support have a sustainable prosperity angle to them. I send the occasional check for $30 to a communal garden project in Kenya (feedvillages.com for fundraising that takes absolutely no cut), and I sent $100 to nyof.org to rescue a child from being sold into indentured servitude, pay her school fees, and provide her family with a piglet.

Anonymous said...

I like the Heifer program. Susan Sarandon is a big celeb for that cause. I was unaware of the criticism Heifer rec'd. But, that concept makes sense. What good is an animal if you can't maintain.

Great job with the chickens.

I am still pondering where to submit my donation this month. I am thinking Compassion, I have heard of the Feedvillages.com, or perhaps our local Salvation Army.

Anyhow, you've submitted to a great cause. :-)

Anonymous said...

This seems to be a great organization. I've read a bit about them. Nice pick!

Miss M said...

Oxfam has a similar program, I've never actually given a goat or a flock of chicks but it's a neat idea. I hadn't heard about the criticism of heifer either, but I guess it makes sense. Goats are another animal that are pretty easy to keep and will eat whatever they find. I could use their services on my hill clearing the brush. I haven't gotten any chicks of my own yet - too busy to take on another hobby right now.

Anonymous said...

Kat, I've e-mailed you again.

Shtinkykat said...

$haron Rose and MOU: Thanks for your continued support! :-D

MMK: Why am I not surprised that you're in tune with the charity news? Thanks for letting me know about feedvillages.com and nyof.org. (Any charity that helps keep a child away from prostitution/indentured servitude is such an important cause.)

Christine: Susan Sarandon too, eh? I found out about this on the Today show where Diane Lane and her daughter appeared. They're highlighted on the website too. Thanks for suggesting Compassion. I'll check out the link.

Miss M: That's right! I forgot that you were looking into getting chickens for yourself. Thanks for suggesting Oxfam.

Great suggestions all around!

mysticdomestica said...

Wow--it's incredible that that Tanzanian family was able to give so much back to their community. I wonder if it's a component of Heifer's charitable giving, that recipients have to pass it on?

In any case, what a great cause to support! I really need to ramp up my giving this year, and this is really inspirational.