Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gift Success and Partial Failure

I broke from my tradition of giving gift cards to my administrative assistant, my file clerk and my mailman this year. I was worried that they would've preferred a Target gift card instead.

As you recall, I got:

  • Pair of AMC Movie Theater Tickets to Mr. Contract File Clerk and Mailman.

  • Bottle of Amaretto di Saronno to admin asst.

I'm happy to report, all seemed very thrilled with the gifts I selected. My administrative assistant said she just recently finished off her bottle of Amaretto at home. (I was right - it's her favorite drink.)

The file clerk was excited to take his grandkid to the movies.

My mailman even left me a small note: "Thank you so much Miss Shtinkykat. The ticket even comes with a drink! Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year! David the Mailman".

Before I pat myself on the back, though, I have to confess that I am going to give my "fall back gift" to the one person I forgot to buy a gift.

The morning security guard at my work is unfailingly helpful and cheerful despite the fact that she's suffering from MS. It's clear that MS is taking a physical toll on her, but she makes sure none of the tenants are ever burdened with her problems. I'm embarrassed that I completely forgot about her and the gift card certainly does make it seem like she's an afterthought.

Isn't it weird? I was worried that I should've gotten the other people gift cards. And now I feel guilty that I'm getting the lady security guard a gift card. 'Tis the season of gift giving anxiety!


Ms. MoneyChat said...

i don't think you should feel guilty about giving gift cards. honestly i truly do believe that it's the thought that counts here. in my opinion there's really only one gift that screams after thought....a fruitcake. ;-).

Sharon said...

Hi there-You are very thoughtful and kind, so don't feel guilty about anything!!