Have a great week folks!
Goal: $40,000.00
As of 12/31/12: $15,050.86
% Complete: 37.6%
Private Student Loans
Starting Amount: $49,528.99
Current: $0.00
% Completed: 100%
Federal Student Loans - PAID OFF!
Starting Amount: $55,852.68
Current: $0.00
% Completed: 100%
Car Loan - PAID OFF!
Starting Amount: $9,779.33
Current: $0.00
% Completed: 100%
Starting Amount: $13,610.75
Current: $0.00
% Completed: 100%
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have fun
Aww, I'll miss you. Hope you have fun.
This one time at band camp...
Okay, cheesy and dumb. But I couldn't resist. We'll miss you so hurry back!
Between you being away at "camp" and me being sick, things are going to get pretty boring.
But I'm recovering and you'll be coming back, so look out, world!
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